Louisiana Computer Engineering Schools

Are you ready to enter the field of computer engineering? If so, the first step is attending an engineering school in Louisiana. There are two schools you can choose to attend: Louisiana State University and the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Both schools offer Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s degrees, and PhD degrees in this field.

In order to earn a Bachelor’s degree, you must complete 120 credits. These credits are in engineering courses and general education courses. You may be able to graduate in four to five years with this degree. You can expect to spend your time both in traditional lecture courses and in lab courses that give you experience working with many different types of computing systems. Some of the courses you may have to take include Assembly Language, Algorithms, and Computer Architecture.

If you are ready to earn a higher-level degree, you can choose between a Master’s degree or PhD. You must complete 30 credits to earn a master’s degree, in courses like Digital Communication, Parallel Computer Architecture, and Microprocessor Design. A Master’s degree takes about two years, while a PhD takes an average of seven years.

The average cost of tuition in Louisiana is $14,200. Your costs may be lower if you are a Louisiana resident, if you qualify for federal financial aid, or if you qualify for scholarships.

There are many different engineering scholarships you can apply for in Louisiana. The SWE Baton Rouge Section of the Society of Women Engineers awards multiple scholarships each year to female students. Each scholarship is worth $1000. Recently, BASF, the Chemical Company awarded over $15,000 in Louisiana scholarships. There may be more Louisiana scholarship opportunities from them in the future.

Before you can begin working as an engineer in Louisiana, you have to get your license from the Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board. You must pass the Fundamentals of Engineering exam, administered by NCEES every April and October. Once you have passed your exam, you can fill out an application and send it to the board with a $50 check.

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