North Carolina Automotive Engineering

Automotive Engineering Schools in North Carolina

A career in automotive engineering is within your reach with the three automotive engineering schools in North Carolina. One of these schools offers an Associate’s degree program, while the other two schools in the state award Bachelor’s degrees and Master’s degrees in the field. The average cost of tuition in North Carolina is $6,400 per year.

If you want to become licensed as a Professional Engineer in North Carolina, you must first complete a Bachelor’s degree at an ABET-accredited school. This degree takes an average of four years to complete, as you must earn 120 credits in classes like Vehicle Diagnostics, Alternate Fuel Systems, and Kinematics of Mechanisms.

In addition to these theory-based courses, you also take many practice-based courses. In these courses, you work in the engineering lab to get a feel for how different vehicles and vehicle components work.

A Master’s degree, the next step up in your education, is ideal for those that want to take on leadership or research roles. A Master’s degree requires two years of school beyond your Bachelor’s degree. You may be expected to take high-level courses like Fuel Cells & Fuel Processors, Battery Systems & Control, and Mechanical Vibrations.

Tuition rates and financial aid may determine your school selection, so it is good to know your options. Gaston College is one of the lowest-priced schools in the state. Tuition is $71.50 per credit hour for residents and $263.50 per credit hour for non-residents. East Carolina University may be one of the most expensive options in North Carolina. Tuition is $3,071 per semester for residents and $10,128 per semester for non-residents.

With North Carolina engineering scholarships, you can chip away at your financial obligations. Professional Engineers of North Carolina is a local group that awards several different scholarships.

Getting your Professional Engineer license from the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors is the culmination of your educational efforts. The Board will send you your license after you successfully pass the Principles & Practice of Engineering exam.

You may be able to earn a very impressive salary as an automotive engineer! O*Net reports that the average salary for a North Carolina automotive engineer is $73,900 per year. You may be able to increase your salary potential by joining the North Carolina Society of Engineers and working on your professional development.

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