Iowa Electrical Engineering Schools

If you look forward to a new career in electrical engineering, you can start by attending one of the 16 engineering schools in Iowa. All but one of these schools offers an Associate’s degree program, and six schools in the state have Bachelor’s degree programs. There are three Master’s degree options in Iowa and two schools with doctoral programs.

Choosing to earn an Associate’s degree can help you prepare for higher-level coursework in the field. You need to complete 60 credits to get this degree, which takes an average of two years. Another option is a Bachelor’s degree. A Bachelor’s degree is comprised of 120 credits, which should take you four to five years. Some of the courses you may take as an undergraduate student include Fundamentals of Power Systems, Circuits & Systems Design, and Electronic Circuits.

If you want to work in research or teaching, you may want to pursue an advanced degree. A Master’s degree is one option, requiring 30 credits in two years of full-time study. You can also choose a PhD, which takes an average of seven years. This is because in addition to regular coursework, you must complete a thesis to earn a PhD. Some of the advanced classes you may take at this level include Energy Conversion, Solid State Devices, and Nanoscale Transistors.

The average cost of tuition in Iowa is $11,300. However, your tuition costs may be lower if you attend a public school or two-year school.

You can also save money by applying for engineering scholarships. If you decide to attend the University of Iowa, you can take advantage of their long list of engineering scholarships. The Iowa Engineering Society awards scholarships to Iowa students regardless of which school they attend.

Before you can begin working as an engineer in Iowa, you have to get your license from the Iowa Professional Licensing Bureau. Prior to getting your license, you must pass the NCEES engineering exam and having your scores sent to the licensing bureau. Once you have your license, remember to renew it by December 31 every year.

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