Ohio Computer Engineering Schools

Earning a degree in computer engineering can be an excellent way to start a new career. There are 24 colleges in Ohio with degrees in this field. Sixteen schools have Associate’s degree programs. There are 15 schools with Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree programs. Twelve schools have Ph.D. programs.

As you decide which degree you want to pursue, it can be helpful to know the benefits of each degree. An Associate’s degree is the quickest option, only requiring two years of full-time study. A Bachelor’s degree is the lowest degree accepted for licensure in Ohio. A Master’s degree or Ph.D. can help you if you want to start a career in research or teaching.

If you attend an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree program, you take a variety of general education and engineering courses. As a Bachelor’s degree student, you need to complete 120 credits. This takes about four to five years. Some of the classes you may have to take include Algorithms, Systems Programming, and Network Analysis. Earning a Master’s degree or Ph.D. requires the completion of advanced courses like Embedded Designs, Microprocessor Design, and Advanced Coding Theory.

Tuition rates vary considerably between Ohio schools, but the average cost of tuition in the state is $15,100. One way to lower your tuition costs is by applying for engineering scholarships. You can also apply for federal financial aid, which may be able to save you money on tuition.

The Associated General Contractors of Ohio awards scholarships of $1000 to Ohio engineering students every year. The Ohio Society of Professional Engineers also funds many scholarships within the state.

All licensing of engineers in Ohio is done by the Ohio Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors Board. You must pass the Fundamentals of Engineering exam, which is offered every April and October. After you pass the exam, you can apply for licensure. As soon as you receive your license, you can begin working as an engineer.

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