Pennsylvania Computer Engineering Schools

If you are considering a career in the field of computer engineering, you can start by attending an engineering school in Pennsylvania. There are 19 schools with degrees in this field. Twelve of these schools have Associate’s degree programs. Sixteen schools offer Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs. There are 11 schools with PhD programs, and one school has a certificate program.

Deciding what your career goals are can help you decide which degree is right for you. If you are still trying to figure out if engineering is right for you, an Associate’s degree can give you some experience in engineering classes. This degree includes 60 credits and takes about two years to complete. Some schools will accept your Associate’s degree credits and put them towards a Bachelor’s degree.

A Bachelor’s degree may prepare you for licensure as a professional engineer. You need to earn 120 credits, which usually takes between four and five years. Some of the engineering courses you may have to take are Digital System Design, Systems Programming, and Software Engineering.

If you want to earn a Master’s degree, you can plan on completing 30 credits in about two years. A PhD takes an average of seven years. Some of the advanced classes you may have to take include Parallel Computer Architecture, Digital Communication, and Embedded Systems.

Since there are so many schools in Pennsylvania, it is safe to say that tuition rates differ significantly between schools. However, the average cost of tuition statewide is $17,400. You can apply for scholarships and grants to lower your out-of-pocket costs.

The Pennsylvania Society of Professional Engineers awards scholarships of $1000 to $2000 every year. You can also peruse the scholarship list made available by the Pittsburgh Foundation. This list includes scholarships in all fields, including engineering.

After completing your engineering program, the next step is getting licensed by the State Registration Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists. You may have to pass one or multiple engineering exams, depending on your degree level and specialty. After passing your required exams, you can apply for your license. You must then renew it by September 30 of every odd-numbered year.

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