Electrical engineering is a dynamic field with many different career opportunities. If you want to become an electrical engineer, there are 16 schools in Alabama that you can attend. Ten of these schools offer Associate’s degree programs and eleven schools have Bachelor’s degree programs. There are eight schools with Master’s degree programs and seven with PhD programs.
The amount of time you spend in school and which courses you take depend on which degree you pursue. An Associate’s degree is the shortest option, consisting of 60 credits. You can generally complete this degree in two years. A Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering is designed to prepare you for entry-level work in the field. Some of the courses you may take include Signal and Linear Systems, Digital Logic Design, and Digital Signal Processing.
If you want to work in a managerial role or teach electrical engineering, you may be interested in pursuing a Master’s degree or PhD. You can generally complete a Master’s degree in electrical engineering in about two years. You have to earn 30 credits in courses like Feedback Control Design, Advanced Processor Architecture, and Power Electronic Converters. A PhD includes a thesis, so the entire degree takes about seven years.
The cost of tuition in Alabama depends on which school you attend and how much financial aid you get. However, the average cost of tuition for residents is $5000 per semester. The average cost of tuition for non-residents is $12000.
There are many engineering scholarships in Alabama that you can apply for. One option is the Jack L. Carr Scholarship. This scholarship is worth $1500, and it is awarded to multiple students every year. At the University of Alabama, engineering students with a GPA over 3.5 can receive up to $1500 per year in scholarships. You may also be able to get scholarships by joining engineering groups like the Alabama Society of Professional Engineers.
Before you can begin applying for electrical engineering jobs, you have to get your engineering license from the Alabama State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors. Before you can take your licensing exam, you have to fill out an application to make sure you meet the educational requirements. After passing your exam, you can apply for your license. Your license must then be renewed by December 31 every year.