Colorado Computer Engineering Schools

There are nine schools in Colorado with computer engineering degrees, giving you many opportunities to pursue an education. There are four schools with Associate’s-level programs and eight with Bachelor’s degree programs. For those who want a higher-level degree, six schools offer Master’s degree programs and PhD programs.

While choosing a degree to pursue, it is important to know that a Bachelor’s degree is the lowest accepted degree for engineering licensure. This degree takes about four years to complete, and you have to earn 120 to 130 credits. If you get an Associate’s degree in engineering, some of your credits may transfer to a Bachelor’s degree. This can shorten the amount of time you spend in school.

Some of the coursework you may complete at this level includes Digital Systems Design, Systems Programming, and Computer Architecture. Your curriculum should contain a mix of lab and classroom courses.

A Master’s degree in computer engineering takes about two years to complete, as you must earn 30 credits. A PhD requires many of the same courses, but it also requires a thesis. A PhD generally takes five to seven years to complete.

Your tuition costs depend on your residency status, how much financial aid you get, and what degree you pursue. In Colorado, the average resident tuition rate is $5800. For non-residents, the average cost of tuition is $14,000.

Applying for scholarships is a good way to save money on school. You may want to apply for the Colorado Association of Stormwater and Floodplain Managers Family Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to multiple students on an annual basis. If you are a female student, consider applying for the Society of Women Engineers Scholarship.

After you complete your engineering degree, the next step is to apply for licensure at the State Board of Licensure for Architects, Professional Engineers, and Professional Land Surveyors. This involves passing the board-required engineering exam and filling out a thorough application that details your education and experience. After your application is received and approved, you can expect to receive your license in the mail.

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