Georgia Mechanical Engineering Schools

If you want to become a mechanical engineer in Georgia, there are five schools you can attend. Two schools offer Associate’s degrees, and five schools have Bachelor’s degrees. If you want a post-graduate degree, there are four schools in the state that have Master’s-level programs and three schools that have doctoral programs.

Earning an Associate’s degree in mechanical engineering takes about two years and requires you to complete 60 credits. This degree is meant to help you figure out whether or not you would like to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. A Bachelor’s degree requires you to complete between 120 and 130 credits, which should take you four to five years as a full-time student. Some of the classes you may take at this level include Magnetism and Fluids, Introduction to Materials Science, and Thermodynamics.

Pursuing a Master’s or doctoral degree in mechanical engineering builds on what you learned during your Bachelor’s degree. Classes you might take include Heat and Mass Transfer, Mechanics of Machinery, and Nonlinear Engineering Systems. Completing a Master’s degree takes about two to three years of full-time study. A doctoral program includes writing and defending a thesis, so you may need five to seven years of school.

The average cost of tuition in Georgia is $12,000 per semester. Tuition tends to be lower at technical colleges and public universities, and it tends to be more expensive at private colleges. The amount you pay may also depend on whether or not you are a resident of Georgia.

Applying for scholarships can help you reduce the overall amount you have to pay for your engineering degree. The Georgia Engineering Foundation offer scholarships of up to $5000 per year to qualified Georgia students. The Georgia Society of Professional Engineers also awards scholarships.

Before you can put your engineering degree to work, you must be licensed by the Georgia Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors. The first step in this process involves applying to take the engineering exam. Once you have passed the exam, you can apply for your license. Once you have your license, you must maintain it with license renewal and continuing education.

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