South Carolina Computer Engineering Schools

If you want to get into the field of computer engineering, you can start by attending one of the seven engineering schools in South Carolina. There are four schools that have Associate’s degree programs and five schools with Bachelor’s degree programs. Master’s degree programs are offered at four schools in the state, and you can earn a PhD at three South Carolina schools.

Figuring out your career goals can help you decide which degree level is right for you. An Associate’s degree can be the right choice for you if you are not sure if you are ready to commit to a Bachelor’s degree. This degree takes about two years, as you have to earn 60 credits. A Bachelor’s degree takes an average of four to five years, and you have to earn at least 120 credits. Some of the classes you may take at this level include Digital Systems Design, Assembly Language, and Software Engineering.

An advanced degree may be the next step for you if you already have a Bachelor’s degree in computer engineering. You must earn 30 credits to complete a Master’s degree, which you may be able to do in two years. A PhD requires more commitment, as the average student needs seven years for this degree.

There is a wide range of tuition rates in South Carolina, but the average cost of tuition in the state is $12,100. Regardless of what your tuition costs, you may want to take advantage of local engineering scholarships.

The South Carolina Society of Professional Engineers awards scholarships of $1000 to engineering students every year. ASME is a national organization, but they award scholarships of over $10,000 to engineering students.

Upon graduating from your engineering program, you can start the process of applying for an engineering license. This license is administered by the South Carolina State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors. You have to pass the Fundamentals of Engineering exam, which is offered twice every year. As soon as you get your license, you can begin working as an engineer.

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