West Virginia Mechanical Engineering Schools

If you want to become a mechanical engineer in West Virginia, there are four schools you can choose to attend. Associate’s degrees are offered at two schools, and all four schools have Bachelor’s-level programs. You can earn a Master’s degree at two schools in the state, and one school has a PhD program.

Earning an Associate’s degree in mechanical engineering can prepare you for Bachelor’s-level work in the same field. This degree takes about two years, and it requires you to complete 60 credits. A Bachelor’s degree is comprised of 120 credits, which should take you between four and five years.

Some of the courses you may take at this level include Fluid Mechanics, Component Design, and Manufactory Processes. Your curriculum should have a variety of lecture and lab courses, as both are required for a comprehensive engineering education.

Earning a Master’s degree should take you about two years as a full-time student or three years as a part-time student. This includes classes like Statistical Thermodynamics, Mechanics of Machinery, and Nonlinear Engineering Systems. A PhD usually takes between five and seven years, because it includes the writing and defense of a thesis.

The average cost of tuition in West Virginia is $10,800. Your tuition costs may be lower if you attend a two-year college or a public college. You can also apply for grants and scholarships to pay for part of your education.

The College Foundation of West Virginia awards scholarships to West Virginia students in a variety of science and technology fields. The West Virginia Department of Transportation also awards scholarships to engineering students. This scholarship can be worth up to $12,000.

Upon graduating from your mechanical engineering program, you will likely be excited to start your career. But first, you have to get your license from the West Virginia Board of Registration for Professional Engineers. Prior to getting your license, you must pass the required Fundamentals of Engineering exam. Then you can fill out your application. Once it is approved by the board, you receive your license in the mail.

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