Texas Computer Engineering Schools

Are you interested in becoming a computer engineer? If so, Texas may be a great place to study. There are 22 schools in the state that offer degrees in this field. Eight schools have Associate’s degree programs, and 18 schools award Bachelor’s degrees. There are 16 options for prospective Master’s degree students and 14 PhD programs.

If you do not yet have an engineering degrees, you may want to start with an Associate’s degree or Bachelor’s degree. An Associate’s degree includes 60 credits in engineering courses and general education courses. As a full-time student, you may be able to graduate in two years. A Bachelor’s degree consists of 120 credits, and it takes an average of four years to complete. Coursework at this level includes Software Engineering, Systems Programming, and Assembly Language.

After earning a Bachelor’s degree in engineering, you may want to pursue a Master’s degree or PhD. As a Master’s degree student, you complete 30 credits in courses like Digital Communication and Parallel Computer Architecture. If you attend school full-time, you may be able to graduate in two years. A PhD takes an average of seven years, because you also have to write and defend a thesis.

Tuition costs differ significantly between schools, especially since there are so many schools in Texas. However, the overall average cost of tuition is $11,700. You may be able to pay less by applying for federal and private financial aid.

The Texas Society of Professional Engineers is a local organization that awards engineering scholarships every year. If you fit into a minority group, you may want to apply for a scholarship from the Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering.

All licensing of engineers in Texas goes through the Texas Board of Professional Engineers. Before you can take your licensing exam, you must fill out three application forms and return them to the board. After passing your licensing exam, you can finally get your license and begin working as a professional engineer.

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