Arkansas Mechanical Engineering Schools

If you’re interested in becoming a mechanical engineer, there are five different schools with mechanical engineering programs in Arkansas. Of these schools, three offer Associate’s degrees in mechanical engineering, and all five schools have Bachelor’s and Master’s programs. Four schools offer doctoral-level education. Average resident tuition is $2700 and average non-resident tuition is $7900.

In order to complete an Associate’s degree in mechanical engineering, you have to complete 55-60 credits. This takes the average full-time students two years. Classes include lower-level engineering courses like Mechanics of Materials, Dynamics, and Electric Circuits.

Bachelor’s degrees in mechanical engineering include 120 to 130 credits, which may take you four years of full-time study to complete. Some of the classes you may have to take include Solid Modeling for Mechanical Engineers, Mechanical Vibrations, and Introduction to Manufacturing Processes.

Master’s and doctoral students complete many of the same courses. However, in order to complete a doctoral program, you must also write and defend a thesis. If you attend full-time, you may be able to complete a graduate program of 30 credits in two years. A doctoral program may take you five to seven years.

If you are an Arkansas resident, the average cost of tuition is $2700 per semester; the average cost for non-resident students is $7900 per semester. Most schools have similar tuition rates, although Harding University is considerably more expensive for in-state students.

Applying for engineering scholarships in Arkansas can help you pay for school. One option is the Arkansas American Council of Engineering Companies Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to students in select Arkansas counties.

To begin working as a mechanical engineer, you have to get your license from the Arkansas State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors. To get your license, you can fill out your application online or on paper. You must also pay a $75 license fee in addition to a testing fee. Licensing exams are given every April and October.

Joining the Arkansas Society of Professional Engineers can help you meet your continuing education requirements.

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