Florida Computer Engineering Schools

Becoming a computer engineer in Florida can give you a wide variety of career opportunities. In total, there are 15 computer engineering schools in Florida. Eleven of these schools have Associate’s-level programs and all 15 schools offer Bachelor’s degree programs. Thirteen schools have Master’s degree programs and 11 schools award PhD degrees.

The specific curriculum you follow depends on which school you attend and which degree you decide to pursue. An Associate’s degree is comprised of 60 credits, which should take you about two years. A Bachelor’s degree is required for licensure. This degree can generally be completed in four to five years, and you have to earn 120 to 130 credits.

Coursework at this level is meant to give you an overall education in the field of computer engineering, and some schools may require you to choose a narrower specialty to study. Some of the courses you may have to take at this level include Digital Systems Design, Systems Programming, and Software Engineering.

Earning a Master’s degree or Ph.D. can prepare you for a teaching or research career. You need to earn 30 credits to earn a Master’s degree, which may take you between two and three years. A Ph.D., on average, takes at least seven years.

In Florida, tuition tends to be fairly affordable. The average cost of tuition for residents is $2700. If you are not a resident of Florida, the average cost of tuition is $9800. You may be able to save money on your education by applying for grants and scholarships.

One scholarship opportunity is offered by the Florida Engineering Society. This group awards scholarships of $1000 to multiple Florida students every year. If you are a female student, you can consider a scholarship from the Southwest Florida Section of the Society of Women Engineers. They award scholarships based on academic grades, your essay, and any awards you have earned.

In order to work as a professional engineer in Florida, you must be licensed by the Florida Board of Professional Engineers. The process includes taking the required exam, filling out a thorough application, and paying your fees to the board. Upon licensure, you must complete eight hours of continuing education every year.

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