Maine Electrical Engineering Schools

If you are ready to start an exciting career in electrical engineering, you can begin by attending one of the four electrical engineering schools in Maine. Three of these schools offer Associate’s degrees. Two schools award Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD degrees in this field.

An Associate’s degree may be a good choice for you if you are still deciding whether or not to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering. You need to earn 60 credits to get an Associate’s degree. A Bachelor’s degree is required for licensure as an engineer, and it includes 120 credits. You may be able to graduate with this degree in four years. Coursework is varied and includes classes like Electric Power Engineering, Digital Signal Processing, and Electromagnetic Fields.

If your career aspirations include research or teaching, you may need to earn a Master’s degree or PhD in this field. A Master’s degree is comprised of 30 credits and takes an average of two years. You may take courses like Advanced Integrated Circuits Technology and Advanced Processor Architecture. A PhD takes an average of seven years, due to the time it takes to write and defend a thesis.

The average cost of tuition in Maine is $13,700. This is similar to the average cost of tuition in other New England states. You may have to pay less if you choose to attend a two-year college or public university.

You can also pay less if you apply for scholarships and grants. The Maine Society of Professional Engineers awards multiple scholarships to local students every year. The Pulp and Paper Foundation Scholarship, which is only open to students at the University of Maine, has frequently been awarded to engineering students in the past.

After completing your engineering degree, you have to take one final step before you can work as an engineer. You have to earn your license from the State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers. The board requires you to pass the Fundamentals of Engineering exam, which is available every April and October. After you pass this exam, you can have your scores sent to the board. After you fill out your application and send in the required fee, you can look forward to receiving your license in the mail.

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