New Hampshire Automotive Engineering Schools

If a career in automotive engineering is in your future, there is one school in New Hampshire that can help you get the education you need: Dartmouth College. This college boasts an average class size of eight students. You can earn either a Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree in automotive engineering at this school. Tuition is $15,148 per term.

Starting a career as an automotive engineer requires a comprehensive education in how vehicles work and core engineering principles. You can begin your career with a Bachelor’s degree, which takes four years for most students. In total, you earn 120 credits by taking courses like Kinematics of Mechanisms, Alternate Fuel Systems, and Aerodynamics.

One you reach the graduate level, you have two choices: a Master’s degree or PhD. A Master’s degree typically requires two years of full-time study while a PhD generally takes four to eight years. At this level, you take courses like Battery Systems & Control, Fuel Cells & Fuel Processors, and Advanced Combustion.

In addition to theory courses, you take lab courses that give you much-needed practical experience in different vehicle parts and engineering techniques.

Since Dartmouth College is a private school, tuition is the same for all students. The tuition rate for the 2013-2014 school years is $15,148 per term, which works out to $45,445 per year since the school has three terms per year.

There are many scholarships in New Hampshire and at Dartmouth College that can help you pay for your education. At Dartmouth College, the top 5% of the incoming engineering class at Dartmouth College may be offered entrance into the Thayer Scholars Program. You may get up to $5,000 per term for research and internships.

One of the big benefits of getting into the field of automotive engineering is the excellent salary range. O*Net reports that the average salary for an automotive engineer is $76,400 per year. However, before you can work as a Professional Engineer, you must get your license from the New Hampshire Board of Professional Engineers. You can get your license after passing the Principles & Practice of Engineering exam.

Joining the New Hampshire Society of Professional Engineers is a great way to take your career further. As a member, you can attend seminars, network with peers, and explore new job listings.

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