New Hampshire Mechanical Engineering Schools

Mechanical Engineering Schools in New Hampshire

If you want to be a mechanical engineer in New Hampshire, there are four schools that you can choose to attend. All four schools offer an Associate’s degree in mechanical engineering and three schools offer Bachelor’s degree in the field. Two schools offer Master’s degrees and one school has a PhD-level program.

Associate’s and Bachelor’s degree programs include many of the same courses. An Associate’s degree should take you about two years, as you have to complete 60 credits in order to graduate. A Bachelor’s degree should take you about four years to complete, as you may have to complete 120 to 130 credits. Some of the classes included at this level are Mechanics of Materials, Fluid Mechanics, and Component Design. Your time may be split between the lab in the classroom, in order to give you a good combination of practical and book knowledge in mechanical engineering.

After completing your Bachelor’s degree, you may decide that you want to continue your education. You can choose to either complete a Master’s degree, which takes about two years, or a Ph.D., which takes five to seven years. These degrees can prepare you for a career in research or teaching.

Tuition costs vary significantly between programs, but the average cost of tuition in New Hampshire is $18,200 per semester. The amount that you pay depends on which school you attend, what federal financial to qualify for, and what financial aid your school offers.

Applying for scholarships can lower the amount of money that you have to pay for your degree. The New Hampshire Society of Professional Engineers offers several scholarship options to qualified engineering students. The New Hampshire section of the ASCE also awards scholarships to high school and college students.

After you have graduated from your engineering program, you have to demonstrate your knowledge by taking the Fundamentals of Engineering exam. This exam is given every April and every October. If you pass, you can then apply for your license from the New Hampshire Joint Board of Licensure and Certification. This involves submitting your academic credentials and work experience, in addition to paying the required fee.

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