Tennessee Electrical Engineering Schools

A career in electrical engineering starts with a thorough education. In Tennessee, there are 23 schools with electrical engineering programs. Fifteen of these schools have Associate’s degree programs and 16 schools offer Bachelor’s degree programs. There are 10 schools with Master’s degree programs and nine with PhD programs.

The classes you take and the amount of time you spend in school are determined by which degree you pursue. An Associate’s degree is the shortest degree, requiring just 60 credits. You may be able to graduate with this degree in as little as two years.

A Bachelor’s degree is required for engineering licensure in Tennessee. To earn a Bachelor’s degree, you have to complete 120 credits over the course of four to five years. Some of the classes you may have to take as an undergraduate student include Electronic Circuits, Communication Systems, and Fundamentals of Power Systems.

Certain careers in electrical engineering require an advanced degree. You may choose to earn a Master’s degree, which is comprised of 30 credits that you can complete over the course of two years. A PhD involves writing and defending a thesis, so completion times vary significantly between students.

In Tennessee, the average cost of tuition is $9700. However, since there are so many schools in the state, it is likely that you can find a school that fits your budget.

You can apply for scholarships offered by the American Council of Engineering Companies of Tennessee, a local organization that awards scholarships every year. The Tennessee Society of Professional Engineers gives scholarships of $3500 to $4000.

Getting licensed by the Board of Architectural and Engineering Examiners is your final step before you can begin working. You must pass the Fundamentals of Engineering exam, which is available every October and April. Then, you can fill out your application and send it to the board. During each two-year renewal period, you must complete 24 hours of continuing education. If you do not meet the continuing education requirements, you may not be allowed to renew your license.

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