Utah Computer Engineering Schools

If you want to start a career in computer engineering, it all starts with your education. There are five schools in Utah with degrees in this field. Three of these schools have Associate’s degree programs and four schools have Bachelor’s degree programs. There are four schools with Master’s degree programs and three schools with PhD programs.

Part of planning for your career is deciding which degree you want to pursue. An Associate’s degree can be a good choice for students that want to take engineering courses before committing to a Bachelor’s degree. You have to complete 60 credits as an Associate’s degree student, which takes an average of two years. A Bachelor’s degree is required for licensure in Utah. This involves completing 120 credits, which takes an average of four years. Undergraduate coursework includes Algorithms, Assembly Language, and Software Engineering.

Earning a post-graduate degree can give you experience in teaching and researching computer engineering. A Master’s degree takes about two years if you attend school full-time, as you have to complete 30 credits in higher-level courses. A PhD takes an average of five to seven years, depending on how long it takes you to write and defend your thesis.

Utah offers many affordable tuition options to students. The average cost of tuition in the state is $5100. Your costs may be even more if you attend a two-year institution. No matter how much your tuition costs, you may be able to lower your out-of-pocket cost by applying for scholarships and grants.

The Northrop Grumman Engineering Scholarship is a national scholarship specifically for engineering students. The Utah Engineers Council is a local engineering group that awards engineering scholarships every year.

Before you can begin working as a professional engineer in Utah, you must apply for and earn your license from the Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing. You may have to complete one or multiple engineering exams, depending on which degree you hold. Once the division awards you your license, you can begin working as an engineer.

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