Connecticut Electrical Engineering Schools

If you are interested in the field of electrical engineering, Connecticut has many educational options for you. Overall, there are 16 schools in Connecticut with electrical engineering programs. Ten of these schools offer Associate’s and Bachelor’s degree programs. There are nine schools with Master’s degree programs and seven schools with Ph.D. programs. One school in Connecticut awards certificates in this field.

Choosing a degree can help you decide your career goals. A certificate is the shortest option, lasting about one year. You need to earn roughly 30 credits to get a certificate in this field. An Associate’s degree takes about two years, and it involves earning 60 credits in lower-level engineering courses.

You need at least a Bachelor’s degree to get your engineering license in Connecticut. In a Bachelor’s program, you can expect to take courses like Circuits and Systems Design, Electronic Circuits, and Electric Power Engineering. If you attend school full-time, you can graduate in four to five years.

There are two postgraduate degrees: a Master’s degree and a Ph.D. A Master’s degree requires the completion of 30 credits in advanced courses like Power Electronic Converters and Electromagnetic Field Theory. To earn a Ph.D., you need to spend an average of seven years writing and defending your thesis.

Tuition in Connecticut is similar to tuition costs in other New England states. The average cost of tuition for residents is $9000, and the average cost of tuition for non-residents is $28,000.

Applying for engineering scholarships can help you minimize your out-of-pocket costs. The Milton Fisher Scholarship is open to Connecticut students that display creative problem-solving skills. You may be able to get up to $5000 per year for all four years of school. Another option is the Jean R. Beers Scholarship. The Society of Women Engineers in Connecticut gives this scholarship to female engineering students.

All licensing of engineers in Connecticut is done by the State Board for Professional Engineers. You have to prove your competence by taking the required engineering exam, which is offered quarterly. After this exam, you can apply for licensure through the board. You can expect to receive your license within four weeks, at which point you can begin working as an engineer.

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