Connecticut Mechanical Engineering Schools

As a prospective mechanical engineer in Connecticut, you have eleven schools that you can choose from. The average cost of tuition for residents is $9256 per semester. If you are a non-resident, the average tuition cost is $28,200 per semester. There are six schools with Associate’s-level programs, ten Bachelor’s degree programs, nine Master’s degree programs, and eight doctoral programs.

If you want to earn an Associate’s degree in mechanical engineering, you can expect to spend about two years in school. Many of these credits can typically be transferred to a four-year institution.

If you want to earn a Bachelor’s degree, there are many schools in Connecticut that offer this option. You may need to spend five years in school to complete this degree, as it includes several lab components. Some of the classes you may have to take include Computer-Aided Design, Elements of Machine Design, and Combustion for Energy Conversion.

In a mechanical engineering graduate school program, you can expect to spend most of your time conducting research in the field of mechanical engineering. These programs typically take two years of full-time study to complete, but you may choose to continue on to earn your Ph.D. This takes most people five to seven years of full-time study.

The average cost of tuition in Connecticut is about $9000 per semester if you are a Connecticut resident. If you are a non-resident, the average cost of tuition is about $28,000. However, community colleges in Connecticut tend to have much lower tuition costs. In general, tuition for Master’s degree programs is higher than tuition for Bachelor’s degree programs.

If you are a woman studying mechanical engineering, you may want to apply for the Jean R. Beers Scholarship, awarded by the Society of Women Engineers in Connecticut. Selected engineering students are awarded $1500 on an annual basis.

After completing your engineering degree, the next step is to get your Professional Engineer license from the State Board for Professional Engineers, which is part of the Department of Consumer Protection. You must pass the required exam, which is offered four times per year. After passing your exam, you can apply for a license.

As a professional, licensed engineer, you may want to join the Connecticut Society of Professional Engineers. It can help you find new job listings and network with other engineers in your area.

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