New Mexico Computer Engineering Schools

Computer Engineering Schools in New Mexico

If you want to become part of the exciting field of computer engineering, you can start by attending one of the three engineering schools in New Mexico. There are two schools in the state with Associate’s and Bachelor’s degree programs. There is one school here with a Master’s degree program and PhD program.

As a new student, you can choose to start an Associate’s degree or a Bachelor’s degree. An Associate’s degree in this field can help you prepare for Bachelor’s-level courses. You can generally earn an Associate’s degree in two years, since you have to earn 60 credits. A Bachelor’s degree takes approximately four to five years of full-time study, and you have to earn 120 credits. Some of the courses required at this level include Systems Programming, Software Engineering, and Computer Organization.

You can choose to earn an advanced degree if you already have a Bachelor’s degree. A Master’s degree is the shorter choice, requiring just 30 credits and about two years of study. A PhD requires, on average, seven years. This is because you must write and defend a thesis.

Tuition in New Mexico tends to be fairly affordable. The average cost of tuition in New Mexico is $9100. Tuition costs tend to be lower at two-year schools and public colleges; the average cost of tuition at a two-year school is $1696 and the average cost of tuition at a public university is $5987.

Applying for scholarships can help you pay less for your education. The Los Alamos National Laboratory Foundation awards scholarships to students in Associate’s degree programs and Bachelor’s degree programs. The New Mexico Engineering Foundation also funds a variety of engineering scholarships.

After you have completed your engineering program, the next step is getting licensed by the New Mexico State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors. In order to earn your license, you must pass the Fundamentals of Engineering exam and send a completed application to the board. You must also send in a $150 check to cover your license fee.

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