New Mexico Electrical Engineering Schools

Electrical Engineering Schools in New Mexico

Starting a career in electrical engineering starts with the right education. There are 14 electrical engineering schools in New Mexico. Thirteen of these schools offer Associate’s degree programs and eight have Bachelor’s degree programs. There are five Master’s degree programs and three PhD programs in the state.

An Associate’s degree requires the shortest time commitment. You have to complete 60 credits to earn this degree, which takes about two years. Many of these credits may transfer to a Bachelor’s degree program in the same field. To earn a Bachelor’s degree, you need to complete 120 credits over the course of four to five years. Some of the courses you may have to take include Circuits & Systems Design, Electric Power Engineering, and Electronic Circuits.

An advanced degree can prepare you for managerial, teaching, and research roles in the field. The shorter option is the Master’s degree, which involves completing 30 credits over the course of two years. If you want a PhD, you can plan on spending five to seven years writing and defending a thesis. Coursework at this level includes Nanophotonics, Circuits Technology, and Quantum Transport.

There are many very affordable schools in New Mexico. The overall average cost of tuition is $9100. However, two-year schools and public colleges tend to have tuition costs below the national average.

Applying for scholarships is a great way to pay for part of your education. The The New Mexico Engineering Foundation is a local group that awards multiple scholarships every year. Another great source of scholarship money is the Los Alamos National Laboratory Foundation. This scholarship is open to Associate’s degree and Bachelor’s degree students.

Getting licensed by the New Mexico State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors is the next step after graduating from your engineering program. Before you can receive your license, you must pass the Fundamentals of Engineering exam. After you have met this requirement, you can send your application and a $150 check to the board.

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