New York Electrical Engineering Schools

Electrical Engineering Schools in New York

If you are ready to start a career in the field of electrical engineering, New York has many school choices for you. Overall, there are 61 schools with degrees in this field. Associate’s degrees are available at 41 schools in the state, and 33 schools offer Bachelor’s degree programs. There are 24 Master’s degree programs and 16 Ph.D. programs in New York.

The education you get depends on which degree you decide to pursue. An Associate’s degree takes the least amount of time, as you may be able to complete your degree in about two years. A Bachelor’s degree can prepare you for licensure by the state of New York. This degree requires the completion of 120 credits, which takes about four years. Some of the courses required at this level include Digital Signal Processing, Introduction to Semiconductors, and Electronic Circuits.

An advanced degree can help you pursue other career paths in this field. If you want to earn a Master’s degree, you can plan on spending about two years in school to earn 30 credits. A Ph.D. is your other option, and it takes an average of seven years. This is because you must write and defend a thesis to earn your Ph.D.

New York has tuition rates that are similar to those of other New England states. The overall average cost of tuition in New York is $15,300.

Applying for local and national engineering scholarships can help you pay for all or part of your education. On a national level, Northrop Grumman awards a variety of scholarships to engineering students every year. Locally, the American Council of Engineering Companies New York awards scholarships to New York engineering students.

In order to work as an electrical engineer in New York, you have to get your license from the Professional Engineering & Land Surveying Office of the Professions. In order to earn your license, you have to pass two different engineering exams that the board requires. Upon meeting that requirements, you can fill out your application and send it in with a $377 licensure fee.

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