Arizona Automotive Engineering Schools

Are you ready to start your career as an automotive engineer and work with vehicles of all varieties? There are two schools in Arizona that can help you reach your goal—both of which offer Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. The overall average cost of tuition in Arizona is $11,600 per year.

In order to work as an automotive engineer, you need a thorough education in the theory and practice of building and constructing vehicles. To become licensed as an automotive engineer, you’ll need at least a Bachelor’s degree. To earn a Bachelor’s degree, plan on completing 120 or more credits over the course of four to five years. A Master’s degree can prepare you for higher-level positions in the field. This degree requires two additional years of full-time study to complete 30 credits.

As an undergraduate student, you may take a variety of courses like Automotive Electronics, Methods for Vehicle Testing, and Kinematics of Mechanisms. In addition to theory courses, you have to take several different lab courses. These courses give you valuable experience in the practice of engineering.

If you go on to earn a Master’s degree, plan on taking many higher-level courses. Required courses include Automotive Body Structures, Vehicle Dynamics, and Advanced Combustion.

Tuition in Arizona tends to be fairly affordable, although tuition rates do vary for residents and non-residents. Arizona State University is one of the most affordable schools in the state; tuition is $4,742 per semester for residents and $11,568 per semester for non-residents. The University of Arizona is slightly more expensive; tuition is $10,390 per year for residents and $27,072 per year for non-residents.

As an automotive engineering student, you can look for many different scholarships. Consider the Bisgrove Scholars program, funded by the Science Foundation of Arizona. They offer grants to engineering students all over the state.

Once you have completed your education, it’s time to earn your engineering license from the Arizona State Board of Technical Registration. You must pay a $100 application fee and then take the required engineering exam.

Upon becoming licensed, you can begin working. Engineers are in high demand; the Arizona Daily Star reports on statewide efforts to encourage the field of engineering. You can earn a wide range of salaries as an automotive engineer; O*Net reports that automotive engineers earn an average salary of $82,900 per year.

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