Arizona Mechanical Engineering Schools

If you want to complete a mechanical engineering program in Arizona, there are four schools you can choose from. All four schools have Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in mechanical engineering, and three schools have doctoral programs in mechanical engineering. The average cost of tuition for residents is $7000 and the average cost for non-residents is $13000 per semester.

Even if you want to get a Master’s degree or PhD in mechanical engineering, the first step is a Bachelor’s degree. A Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering encompasses 120 credits and takes most people four years to complete.

However, you may have to be in school longer if you did not take lots of science courses during high school. Classes at this level include Mechanics of Solids, Fundamentals of Materials for Engineers, and Elements of Mechanical Engineering. Some schools, like the University of Arizona, offer research opportunities to students.

A Master’s degree tends to focus on in-depth knowledge of mechanical engineering. A Master’s degree includes 30 credits and may take you about two years to complete if you go full-time. Classes at this level include Systems Quality Assurance and Engineering Management. A Ph.D. program includes a thesis, which takes most people five to seven years to complete.

If you are an Arizona resident, the average tuition cost is about $7000 per semester. If you are a non-resident, the average cost of tuition is about $13000. Most schools, with the exception of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, are fairly close to these numbers.

Scholarships can make school much more affordable. One opportunity is the American Helicopter Society International—Arizona Chapter Engineering Scholarship. This society awards scholarships of up to $3,000 to eligible students.

Another option is the Kelly Future Engineers Scholarship. This scholarship is worth $5,000 and can be awarded to students across the country.

In order to work as a mechanical engineer after graduation, you must receive your license from the Arizona State Board of Technical Registration. The application form requires you to provide information on employment experience and national qualifications. The form must be accompanied with a $100 application fee.

After becoming licensed, you may wish to join the Arizona Society of Professional Engineers, a society that allows you to network with other engineers in the area.

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