Delaware Mechanical Engineering Schools

There are two mechanical engineering programs in Delaware, one that offers an Associate’s degree and one that offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. The average cost of tuition is about $3000 per semester if you are a resident of Delaware. If you are not a Delaware resident, the average tuition cost is about $8500 per semester.

In order to complete an Associate’s degree in mechanical engineering, which is available at Delaware Technical Community College, you have to complete 60 credits. As a full-time student, this may take you about two years.

A Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering takes most students four years to complete, encompassing 120 credits. Some of the courses you may have to take for either of these degrees include Mechanics of Solids, Engineering Math, and Materials Science.

If you want to continue your education after earning a Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, you can go on to earn your Master’s degree in mechanical engineering. This includes 30 credits and takes most full-time students two years to complete. If you go part-time, you may need to attend for three years. While a Bachelor’s program in mechanical engineering focuses more on hands-on, practical engineering skills, a Master’s program focuses more on research.

Tuition rates differ significantly between schools. At the University of Delaware, tuition is $5300 for residents and $14,200 for nonresidents. At Delaware Technical Community College, tuition is $1500 for residents and $3700 for non-residents.

There are several scholarships you can apply for as a Delaware student. The Delaware Engineering Society awards several scholarships of up to $1000 every year. Another option is the Delaware Valley Engineers Scholarship. They award scholarships of $1000 on an annual basis.

If you want to live and work in Delaware, you must get your engineering license from the Engineering Licensing Board. You have to pass multiple eight-hour exams, depending on which courses you took in your engineering program. Upon passing the required exams, you can apply for your license from the board. When you apply for your license, you must send in a check for $100.

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