Maryland Electrical Engineering Schools

If you are intrigued by the field of electrical engineering, you may be interested in pursuing a degree at one of the 15 engineering schools in Maryland. Twelve of these schools award Associate’s degrees, and eight schools award Bachelor’s degrees. There are five schools in the state that have Master’s degree programs and PhD programs.

If you do not have a degree in engineering, you need to start with either an Associate’s degree or Bachelor’s degree. An Associate’s degree, which takes two years, provides a basic education in the field of electrical engineering. Many times, the credits you earn for this degree can be transferred to a Bachelor’s degree.

A Bachelor’s degree requires the completion of 120 credits, which takes approximately 4 years of full-time study. Some of the courses you may take at this level include Communication Systems, Advanced Circuits with Computers, and Digital Logic Design.

An advanced degree may be the next step for you if you already have a Bachelor’s degree. A Master’s degree requires two years of full-time study. You complete 30 credits while taking courses like Quantum Transport and Solid State Devices. You must write and defend a thesis to earn a PhD, which is why it takes an average of seven years to earn this degree.

In Maryland, the average cost of tuition is $16,300. This is similar to tuition costs in other states in New England. There are many schools in Maryland, and tuition costs vary significantly from school to school.

There are many engineering scholarships you can apply for in Maryland. The County Engineers Association of Maryland awards the Roger H. Willard Scholarship every year to qualified, motivated students. On a national level, Northrop Grumman provides several engineering scholarships every year.

After completing your degree, you are probably ready to start your new career. However, before you can work as an engineer, you have to earn your license from the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulations. The Department of Labor has a stringent application process that includes a knowledge exam, a detailed application, and verification of your test scores. Upon meeting the requirements, they will award you your engineering license.

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