Michigan Electrical Engineering Schools

Starting an electrical engineering career in Michigan starts with one of the 46 engineering schools in the state. Associate’s degrees are awarded at 37 of these schools, and you can earn a Bachelor’s degree at 28 different schools. There are 18 schools with Master’s degree programs and 13 with Ph.D. programs.

The degree you choose to pursue depends on how much time you want to spend in school and your career goals. An Associate’s degree is the shortest option, taking an average of two years. A Bachelor’s degree is required for licensure in Michigan. To earn a Bachelor’s degree, you need to complete 120 credits, which takes an average of four to five years. Some of the courses you may have to take as an undergraduate student include Fundamentals of Power Systems, Electric Power Engineering, and Communication Systems.

If you already have a Bachelor’s degree, you may be interested in a Master’s degree or Ph.D. You must earn 30 credits to get a Master’s degree, which takes about two years. In addition to your regular courses, to earn a PhD you must write and defend your thesis. This takes about seven years.

Since there are so many engineering schools in Michigan, there is a wide range of tuition costs. However, the overall average cost of tuition is $10,500.

There are many different engineering scholarships you can apply for in Michigan. One option is the Southeast Michigan ASCE Branch Scholarship, which is worth $1500. You can also apply for the Gloria Wille Bell and Carlos R. Bell Scholarship. This scholarship may be worth up to $10000, depending on your grades and financial need.

Before you can start your career as an electrical engineer, you have to get your license from the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. You must first take and pass the Fundamentals of Engineering exam, which is offered two times per year. Once you successfully pass this exam, you can send your application to the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. They will then send you your license.

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